Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Is google making us stupid?

Is google making us truly stupid? It is not and I am sure of this fact. Many other factors along with google are negatively affecting people in general. The way we are reading is quite different in the present many people will still read. People can sill read books intently if they are engaged enough in the topic. The presence of the new technology is what is more frightening to me. Today's society is set on immediacy. We want things in the fastest and quickest way possible. Everything is more focused on the efficiency for which things can be done. For example, the way one receives news is quite different from just five years ago. Now the anybody with a blog can be a "journalist". Also, with social networking sites such as twitter, the way we receive news has come to 140 words or less. This alone says enough about not just what Google has done to our society, but what technological advances have done to us.

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