Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Article Response

Organizational structure is playing a key part in the Internet in present day. Do people need oncology or organization when using the web? Before the Internet we used to use to have a more structured view when organizing systems. With the birth and rise of the Internet all of that has changed dramatically. With the rise of the Internet in the past 20 years or so organization and oncology have changed drastically. With search engines such as google, oncology is almost non-existent. Why is this change significant? Google went in the opposite direction of their competitor Yahoo with this move. With Google's move organization and hierarchy of a system became much more obsolete. Google by doing this isn't telling us in advance what we really need. People will search through google and google will do its best to support it. It's important to know these types of specifics regarding the Internet. We consume the Internet daily, use it in our everyday lives but are unaware of how it truly works. By understanding the Internet's change in categorization and what oncology is will bring us a step closer to understanding this phenomenon. By doing this people become more active users of the Internet. by doing this we are learning the characteristics of the entity itself . A quote from Bandi Mhuhi makes light of a point in terms of the Internet. "It's time we start asking questions about technology. Where does it come from?" 

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