Monday, February 25, 2013

The Term Friends is Evolving

In today’s world the word friends has taken on a new meaning. Thanks to social networking sites such as Facebook,  the word friends is nearly impossible to interpret.

The term friend, in my opinion on social networking sites indicates acquaintances and not friends anymore. The people who are your friends on Facebook come from different parts of your life. They can be people you met at a party or family members. Facebook has changed the way the term friend is used. Below is a a graph from the pew research center that can better explain this phenomenon:

From this graph we can see that 7% of peoples friends are people they never met before. This tells us a lot about the users of social networking sites. The word friend is evolving. If 7% of Facebook friends have never met what do we call this? These people are complete strangers and aren’t friends in any way.

This is my main issue with “friending” as a whole. Most of people’s friends on Facebook aren’t actually friends. How many friends somebody has on Facebook isn’t an indicator of very much. Social networking sites are making it increasingly harder to distinguish between friends and acquaintances.

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